SAP Program RHPROFL0_OLD - Generate User Authorizations

The report creates authorization profile assignments for users in anorganizational structure.
A distinction is made between:
- SAP authorization profiles (when the "Generate standardauthorizations" parameter is set)
- Authorization profiles for structural PD authorization (when the"Generate PD authorizations" parameter is set)
Along the selected PD organizational structure, the report finds allposition holders. For each position holder, the system reads the SAPauthorization profiles (stored in infotype 1016) and PD authorizationprofiles (stored in infotype 1017) of the corresponding job, task, orstandard task. For the user assigned to the position holder (ininfotype 0105), the report then generates the relevant profileassignments in table T77UA (PD authorization profiles) and by batchinput (compare 'session name' and 'initial password' parameters) intransaction SU02 (SAP authorization profiles).
If the "Dialog mode" parameter is set, you must trigger the profilegeneration by choosing a function key in the report list. Otherwise theprofiles are generated right after the report starts, without a reportlist being displayed first.
"Automatic processing" parameter: The report generates a batch inputsession that is automatically processed if this parameter is set. Youmust ensure that when the report is executed the name of the batchinput session is unique. During automatic processing, the systemprocesses all sessions that have the same name as the generatedsession.
