SAP Program RHPP25SL - Data Selection for Personnel Cost Planning

This report enables data selection to be carried out forPersonnel Cost Planning. If data selectionis carried out successfully, the actual Personnel Planningprogram is executed directly without displaying the list.
The report list is only displayed if an error takes place. PersonnelCost Planning should only be executed if wage elements have beenassigned to the positions or their jobs in the selection period, orif payroll results are available for the persons if they are beingused.
Unoccupied positions which are not vacant are not taken intoaccount in Personnel Cost Planning.

Cost Planning can be executed using the function key 'Continuewithout corrections' despite any errors.

If the cost data is missing for the selection period,all relevant positions together with their jobs (if available)and/or persons for whom there is no payroll result, are displayedin this list. You can "maintain" the 'cost data' for these positionsand/or jobs or persons by selecting the appropriate function keyusing the cursor. If you do this the system calls up a report forpositions and jobs which can be used to create infotype 1015"Cost Planning" for the selected position or job, i.e. wage elementsare assigned. When the maintenance report is completed the chosenposition or job is selected accordingly. The appropriate payrollreport is called up for persons.
If all positions or their jobs have been assigned wage elementsyou can execute actual Cost Planning by means of the 'Update'function key.