SAP Program RHPMVMFS - Available Budget per Budget Structure Element

This report displays - for the budget structure elements selected - theavailable budget in the selected financial year. For the full-timeequivalent budget, the monetary equivalent in the local currency andthe salary grouping are displayed, as well as the available full-timeequivalent. Both budgets that are still available and exceeded budgetsare displayed.

You must have selected a plan version, one or more budget structureelements, and a financial year. A period-based drilldown of availablebudgets can also be activated.

If the system finds objects that fulfill the selection criteriaspecified, a list of the budget structures of the selected budgetobjects, the available budget in local currency and in full-timeequivalents as well as the salary grouping.
Provided that the period-based drilldown was selected, one or morelines will be inserted into the table for each full-time equivalentbudget, depicting how the available budget changes during the year.
It is possible to change the format of the list. For example, columnscan be hidden or displayed and the column sequence can be changed. Theadjusted format of the list can be saved as a hierarchy variant.

|Budget Struct.| Valid from | Valid until |Quantity |Unit|Amount|Currency | Salary Group |
----------------------------------------------------------| |BS element1 | 01.01.2000| 31.12.2000| | | 250.000,00 | UNI| |
| BS Element 2 | 01.01.2000| 31.12.2000| 2,500 | STA | 100.000,00|UNI | 99 |