Program | Text |
RHPMSTKA | Job chart |
RHPMSTPL | Position Plan |
RHPMSTUE | Budget in FTE |
RHPMSTUE_001 | Stellenübersicht mit Smartforms |
RHPMSTUE_EXT | Enhanced Budget in FTEs |
RHPMTL00 | Maintain Table T777Z |
RHPMTL05 | Conversion of table HRP1500 to expenditure types |
RHPMTL06 | Conversion of table HRPMPAD (funding) to expenditure types |
RHPMTL10 | Create number range intervals for Position Management |
RHPMTL_T7PM6_MSG | Conversion: Event in T7PM6_MSG |
RHPMTODO | Different Evaluations |
RHPMTODO_PROT00 | Display worklist log |
RHPMTODO_PROT10 | Display work list log (broken down by responsibility) |
RHPMUT7PMG | Position Management: Currency Conversion Default Values |
RHPMVHHJ | Compare Budget Financial Years with Fiscal Years |
RHPMVMFS | Available Budget per Budget Structure Element |
RHPMXFORT_CHECK | Check rules carried forward |
RHPMZWBI | Earmarking Infringements |
RHPMZWSH | Anzeige von Zweckbindungen |
RHPM_CURRENCY_CHANGE | Position Management: Currency Conversion |
RHPM_EXCEL_BDN | HR-FPM: Business Document Navigator for Excel Communication |
RHPM_EXCEL_MASSDOWNLOAD | Excel Communication: Mass Data Transfer |
RHPM_FA | Program RHPM_FA |
RHPM_LFBGR | HR-FPM: Convert Career Group |
RHPNPSUB | Start HR reporting via Personnel Planning structures |
RHPORDL0 | Delete database PSOLL |
RHPP25AZ | Plan Scenarios of Personnel Cost Planning |
RHPP25C0 | Pers. cost planning: recalculate an existing scenario group |
RHPP25DL | Delete a Scenario Group |
RHPP25L2 | Display an Existing Scenario Group |
RHPP25LI | Display an Existing Scenario Group |
RHPP25PD | Personnel Cost Planning: Display/Delete Payroll Results |
RHPP25PT | Personnel Cost Planning: Data Transfer to Accounting |
RHPP25PW | Personnel Cost Planning: Change Scenario Group's Password |
RHPP25R2 | Data Transfer from HR Personnel Cost Planning |
RHPP25SL | Data Selection for Personnel Cost Planning |
RHPP25U0 | Pers. Cost Planning: Changeover for European Monetary Union |
RHPP25XD | Personnel Cost Planning: Delete Payroll Results |
RHPPOMMODE | Set Maintenance Interface Mode |
RHPREBO0 | Prebookings per Attendee |
RHPREBO0_LSO | Prebookings per Participant |
RHPREL20 | Display data for personnel number |
RHPROFL0 | Generate User Authorizations |
RHPROFL0_OLD | Generate User Authorizations |
RHPSOLL_DEL | Undo Completed Target Plan |
RHPURGE4 | Delete Inconsistent Requirements Objects |
RHP_CRMQ | Define CRM Qualifications |
RHQALIF0 | Attendee's Qualifications |
RHQANF00 | Prerequisites Matchup |
RHQANF00_LSO | Prerequisites Matchup |
RHQCOPY1 | Copy Requirements Profiles to Position Holder(s) |
RHQINTE0 | Convert Infotype 0024: Employees |
RHQINTE1 | Convert Infotype 0024: Applicants |
RHRAUM10 | Room Reservations |
RHRAUM15 | Display Room Reservation Data for RMAIL Processing |
RHRAUM20 | Display / Change / Delete / Firmly Book Room Reservation |
RHRAUM23 | Hard Copy of Room Reservations Data Screen |
RHRAUM40 | Display Room Reservations of Attendee |
RHRAUM45 | Display Room Reservations of a Moderator |
RHRAUM50 | Display Lunches of Service |
RHRAUM60 | Display and/or Print Name Tags for Attendees |
RHRAUM65 | Display and/or Print List of Attendees for Room Reservations |
RHRAUM75 | Display Room Reservations |
RHRBEL00 | Resource Reservation |
RHRBEL00_LSO | Resource Reservation |
RHRBEL10 | Graphical Resource Reservation |
RHRBEL10_LSO | Graphical Resource Reservation |
RHRECINS | Recruiting Instrument |
RHREFDOC0 | Reference Documents in Training and Event Management |
RHREFDOC0_LSO | Reference Documents in Training Management |
RHREFDOCCHECK | Reference Document Checks |
RHRELA00 | Relationship Display |
RHRELAT0 | Allowed Relationships of Object Types |
RHREPL00 | Replace Persons with Users in PD Data Records -> Sequential File |
RHREPL10 | Replace User with Person in Holder Relationships |
RHREPL20 | Replace User with Person in Staff Assignments |
RHREQK00 | ?... |
RHRESA00 | Resource Equipment |
RHRESO00 | Resource Reservation Statistics |
RHRESO00_LSO | Resource Reservation Statistics |
RHRFPMDYNACT00 | Navigation from Dynamic Action Mail |
RHRFPMDYNACT10 | Dynamic personnel action for HR Funds and Position Management |
RHRFPMEXT20 | Carryforward of Notes in Background |
RHRFPMICLS | Additional Data for IT 0001 |
RHRFPMLOG | Display Logs for Commitment Run |
RHRFPMLOG_BPREP | Display Log for Run for Preparing Budget Planning |
RHRFPMLOG_BUDGET | Display Logs for Budget Creation Run |
RHRFPMROLL1520 | Adjustment Original Budget Bottom-Up |
RHRFPM_2FC_CLEANUP | Reconciliation of Documents in Accounting |
RHRFPM_ANALYZE_FIN_REL | Analysis of Financing Links |
RHRFPM_ARCH_DL | PBC Financing: Delete after Archiving |
RHRFPM_ARCH_RL | PBC Financings: Reload Documents from Archive |
RHRFPM_ARCH_WR | PBC Financing: Writing of Archive |
RHRFPM_BPREP_DATA_MAINT | Edit Planning Data |
RHRFPM_BUDGET_CHART | Evaluate Total Number of Positions |
RHRFPM_BUDGET_CHART_FORM | Evaluate Total Number of Positions as a PDF |