SAP Program RHPMRESUPD - Reconstruct funds precommitments and commitments

Reconstruct Precommitments in Funds Management

On the basis of the current financing details defined in HR Fundsand Position Management, this report calculates the values of fundsprecommitments and commitments, and reconciles these with thecorresponding documents for earmarked funds stored in FundsManagement.
All funds precommitments in Funds Management with nocorresponding financing details in HR Funds and Position Management
are reset to zero.
You can make generic entries for the fund, funds center, and commitmentitem.
Note: SAP recommends that you run this report regularly.


  • Calculates earmarked funds in Funds Management on the basis of the
  • financing details currently defined in HR Funds and Position Management.
    • Compares the earmarked funds actually defined in Funds Management with
    • the earmarked funds calculated in the step above.
      • Resets the earmarked funds in Funds Management to zero if no
      • corresponding financing details can be found in HR Funds and PositionManagement.


        • If you want to reconstruct the earmarked funds in Funds Management, you
        • must specify an FM area anda fiscal year on the selection screen of this program.
          You can specify a fund, funds center and commitmentitem if you wish, but it is optional.
          • If you want the system to display a log of all the changes made, you
          • select the Output log flag.
            This log contains a list of all the Funds Management account assignmentsthat were changed, along with the corresponding document numbers andsystem messages.

            A log of all the changes made is displayed if you select the Outputlog flag.

            The changes listed in the log are displayed as follows:
            FM area: WALT
            Fiscal year: 1999
            Fund: X
            Funds center: Top funds center
            Commitment item: Appointed
            S Document 5200000285 was changed