SAP Program RHPE_CCE_CONVERT_RELATION_XPRA - Conversion of Qualification relations from assignment to person (XPRA)

This conversion report converts the link from qualifications withpersons/personnel assignments (relationship P-A032-Q) to a link fromqualifications with the central person (relationship CP-A720-Q). Thereport is automatically started when you activate the CA, EmployeeQualifications for Concurrent/Global Employment business function(CA_PA_CE_GE_QUALI).
The prerequisites, features, and output of this conversion reportcorrespond to those for theRHPE_CCE_CONVERT_RELATION report.Unlike the RHPE_CCE_CONVERT_RELATION report however, you cannot startthe conversion report RHPE_CCE_CONVERT_RELATION_XPRA manually and youcannot execute a text run for it.

Before you activate the business function, you can use theRHPE_CCE_CONVERT_RELATION report to test the conversion..