SAP Program RHOMATTRIBUTES_CONSISTENCY - Consistency Check: Characteristics Generic Attributes

Consistency Check: Characteristics Generic Attributes

To check the definition of generic attributes (automatic repairpossible in some cases)


Language key: choose the languages in which the existence andconsistency of the texts is to be checked.
Request: enter a request that may already exist in the Customizingclient. The system writes repaired entries to this request.

Output is in an ALV grid that contains the following columns:
Check: contains the description of the check that was performed (seebelow).
Scenario: contains the name of the scenario for which the systemperformed the check (if appropriate)
Attribute: contains the name of the attribute for which the systemperformed the check (if appropriate)
Message: contains the result of the check (see below)

Attribute: Definition
The system checks the attribute definition with regard to the typereference (DDIC or BOR). The following messages are possible:
"You entered neither the BOR type nor the DDIC type" : in tableT77OMATTR, there is no entry in any of the fields REFOBJTYPE,REFSTRUCT or REFFIELD.
"No specific type is entered" : in table T77OMATTR, the field REFFIELDor REFSTRUCT contains the standard value (LOW / HRT1222).
"Structured type is not useful" : the attribute is defined via areference structure or structured type (T77OMATTR-REFSTRUCT), which isnot useful, as values for such attributes cannot be correctly enteredin the general maintenance transaction.
"Structured type for invisible attribute" : the invisible attribute isdefined via a reference structure (T77OMATTR-REFSTRUT). Such anattribute can only be maintained correctly via an application-specificdialog. The application must ensure that the attribute is correctlyread and saved.
"Internal type is not current" : the technical type of the attributediffers from the type definition stored in the DDIC. This can occur ifthe DDIC type has been changed. If necessary, the repair functionupdates the internal type.
"The definition is consistent" : all checks had a positive result; noerrors were found.
Attribute: Inheritance
The system checks attribute inheritance.
"The single-value attribute is inherited additively in [...]" : theattribute can only have a unique value ("single-value"); in spite ofthis, it should be inherited additively in the scenario entered (inother words, it could have several values). For that reason, the systemtreats the attribute as "local values overwritten" at runtime. And"local values overwritten" should also be set at the definition stage.
"Inheritance is consistent" : the check was successful.
Attribute: Use
The system checks whether the attribute is used.
"No scenario is assigned to the attribute" : the attribute cannot bemaintained for any scenario (T77OMATTUS).
"No object type is assigned to the attribute" : the attribute cannot bemaintained for any object type (T77OMATTOT). In both cases, you cannotenter values for the attribute, in other words it is not visible on themaintenance interface. If the system finds an assignment, it outputsthe name of the scenario or object type.
Attribute: Text
The system checks the attribute texts.
"The text in language [...] is missing" : for the language entered,there is no text stored in table T77OMATTRT.
"The texts exist" : the texts exist for all languages entered.
Attribute: Use in Scenarios
The system checks the assignment of attributes to scenarios.
"The scenario is not used" : the scenario is not defined (entry missingin T77OMATTSC).
"The attribute is not used" : the attribute is not defined (entrymissing in T77OMATTR).
"The attribute is used correctly" : the checks were successful.
Attribute: Use in Object Types
The system checks the assignment of attributes to object types.
"The scenario is not used" : the scenario is not defined (missing entryin T77OMATTSC).
"The attribute is not used" : the attribute is not defined (missingentry in T77OMATTR).
"The object type was set incorrectly" : attributes can only bemaintained for organizational units and positions.
"The attribute is used correctly" : the checks were successful.
Scenario: Subtype
The system checks whether a correct subtype is assigned to thescenario. If necessary, the repair function assigns a new subtype tothe scenario.
(Caution: this must only occur for scenarios which do not yet have anydata).
"The scenario has no subtype" : the subtype for the scenario(T77OMATTSC-SCENARIO) is blank.
"The scenario has the same subtype as [...]" : another scenario alreadyhas the same subtype.
"The subtype of the scenario is consistent" : the checks weresuccessful.
Scenario: Text
The system checks whether the scenario texts in T77OMATTST are definedcorrectly.
"The text in language [...] is missing" : for the language enteredthere is no text defined in table T77OMATTST.
"All texts are defined": the check did not find any errors.
Attribute: Consistency of Attribute Texts
The system checks whether an entry exists in T77OMATTR for everyattribute in T77OMATTRT.
"Attribute does not exist" : the attribute is not defined in T77OMATTR.If necessary, the repair function deletes the incorrect entry inT77OMATTRT.
"Attribute texts are consistent" : the system found the attribute inT77OMATTR.
Scenario: Consistency of Scenario Texts
The system checks whether an entry exists in T77OMATTSC for eachscenario in T77OMATTST.
"Scenario does not exist" : the scenario is not defined in T77OMATSC.If necessary, the repair function deletes the incorrect entry inT77OMATTST.
"Scenario texts are consistent" : the system found the scenario inT77OMATTSC.

873677RHOMATTRIBUTES_CONSISTENCY - correct incorrect object type
792808EBP 5.0: Field length of attributes in Transaction PPOMA_BBP
430460BBP/CRM: Unicode take into account during conversion
511352EBP 3.5: Empty functional responsibility