SAP Program RHMULT00 - Create Multiple Object Copies

Report RHMULT00 creates a number of target objects (default valueobject type S for position) copied from source objects (default valueobject type C for job). The relationships and inverse relationships ofthe source objects are also copied.
You must specify the source object and relationship exactly. You canenter the object IDs manually, or have them assigned by internal numberassignment.

Parameter: NUMBER
Number of target objects

This parameter is ignored if you enter an interval or value set for thetarget object ID.
Otherwise, this parameter determines the number of target objects youwant to create. For more information, see the description of the"Target object ID" selection criterion.

Selection criterion: DESTOBID
Target object ID

You can choose from three possible input options.
If you do not enter a target object ID, internal number assignment isused to create target objects in accordance with the number specified.
If you only enter one target object ID, the system creates targetobjects with an ID greater than or equal to the object ID you haveentered in accordance with the number specified. Thus, the targetobject ID is interpreted as a kind of "offset". If you set the SKIPparameter, the system skips any IDs that have been assigned already. Ifthis happens, fewer target objects are created.
If you do not set the SKIP parameter, the system assigns the nextavailable object IDs greater than or equal to this "offset ID" untilthe number of target objects to be created has been reached. In otherwords, the system creates the exact number of target objects that youspecified.
If you enter an interval or value set, the system assigns all availableobject IDs within the value set or interval. The NUMBER and SKIPparameters are then ignored.

Parameter: SKIP
Skip if object exists

This parameter is only used if the target object ID is entered in acertain way. Please see section 2 of the description of the Targetobject ID selection criterion.
Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.

Parameter: PROTOKOLL
Create log ('X' = yes)

A list of new objects and relationships is generated.