SAP Program RHKURS20 - Attendance Statistics

This report generates a list of attendee numbers in a given period.
The report also lists business events that are still in planned statusand still need to be firmlybooked. You would require this information for billing and activityallocation purposes.
This report has a pre-report RHXKURS2 with a simplified selectionscreen.

The report output depends on the objects selected for reporting,on the reporting period, and on the report parameters you set.

If you enter a valid language key here, the report only considersbusiness events held in the specified language.

If you select this indicator, the report only displays events on which
bookings can still be made and the number of possible bookings.

Locked only
If you select this indicator, the report only displays bookings for
locked events.

With historical record only
If you select this indicator, the report only displays bookings for
events with historical records.

If you select this indicator and enter a valid location, the reportonly displays bookings for events at the location specified.

If you select a valid status, the report only displays bookings forevents with the specified status.
You can use this parameter as a reminder of what events still have tobe put in firmly booked status. If you set the parameter at2 (for planned status), the report lists all internalevents that still have to be firmly booked or canceled.

External only
If you select this indicator, the report only displays bookings for
external events.

Canceled only
If you select this indicator, the report only displays attendees of
canceled events.
Multiple selection is possible for the options under Selectionoptions except where options contradict one another. For example,you cannot simultaneously select the indicator Catalog with theindicators Locked only, With historical records only orCanceled only since it is not possible to make bookings oncanceled, locked, or historically recorded events.
Similarly, you cannot select Locked only and Canceled only
at the same time.

The report's list screen can contain the following information:

  • Business event name

  • Business event date

  • Business event language

  • Total number of attendees

  • Number of bookings

  • Number of waiting list bookings

  • Indicator for locked (L), deleted (D), and historically
  • recorded (H) events
    • Indicator for external (EXT) events

    • Indicator for firmly booked events

    • You select the data you want displayed under Settings -> Changelayout:
      When you choose this function, a dialog box appears with the hiddencolumns in the right table, and the columns that are displayed on thelist screen in the left table.
      By selecting columns and moving the arrows, you can determine whatcolumns are displayed. To transfer the changed layout, chooseTransfer.
      To save the layout, choose Save layout. You can call this layoutas required by choosing Choose layout .
      You can find more information about display options on the list screenunder Help in the SAP Library by choosing Getting Started-> The SAP Window -> List -> ABAP List Viewer (ALV):Grid Control.

      You can execute the following functions from the list screen:

      • Firmly book business events

      • Cancel business events

      • Follow up business events