SAP Program RHIQ_UCAS_STATUS_CHANGE - UCAS: Activation and rejection of UCAS applicants

This report program is used to approve and to reject admissions of UCASapplicants for a specific admission year.

You have defined the current admission year in the UCAS IMG. Thisadmission year will appear as the default year on the selection screen.
Any admission data which is duplicated from infotype 1783 and infotype1786 into Campus Managament Admission is classified by the usage of theadmission category (infotype 1001, subtype 530). Only admissions whichare assigned to this admission category will be processed by the reportprogram. For this purpose you must have defined the UCAS admissioncategory in the UCAS IMG.

On the selection screen you can specify the following selection options:
Admission Year: The admission year is used to select data from infotypes1783 and 1786 by date. For example when you enter the admission year2003, the system determines a period which is valid from September 1,2003 to August 31, 2004. The system selects the data from infotype 1783(UCAS Choice Data) which has been entered within this period. It selectsdata from infotype 1786 (UCAS: Clearing Data) in the same way. All datain which the year and month of entry are within the specified period isselected.
Student Number: If you want to process only specific students, you canenter the student numbers of these students in this field.
In addition to the selection options, you must also specify theprocessing options:
Activate applicants: The status of the Campus Management Admission(infotype 1001 with subtype 530) will be changed from planned (2) toactive (1). The system will admit only those applicants for whom thefields of infotype 1783 or infotype 1786 meet the following conditions:
Infotype 1783: The field Decision is equal to U (Unconditional Offer),the field Reply is equal to F (Firm), and the field Complete Withdrawalis not equal to C (Complete Withdrawal).
Infotype 1786: The field Outcome is equal to A (Accepted), the fieldReferral Method is equal to 2 (Accepted in Clearing), the field CurrentReferral is equal to X, and the field Referral Status is equal to 1(Placed in Clearing).
Reject applicants: The status of the Campus Management Admission(infotype 1001 with subtype 530) will be changed from planned (2) toactive (5). The system will reject applicants who do not fulfil theconditions for activation.
Reject and activate applicants: The system performs the activitiesdescribed above in the relevant sections.
Applicants in status pending: The system selects applicants who do notfulfil the conditions for activating applicants. The selectedapplications will be displayed in the log.
Test Run: This parameter is used to simulate report program execution.When the check box is set to 'X', the report program is run in the testmode and no database operations are performed.
You can enter processing as well as display options for the applicationlog. The system evaluates these options when the log containing theresult is displayed.
From Date: Begin Date of the period in which the report program was run.
To Date: End Date of the period in which the report program was run.
User: User ID of the person who executed the report program.
You can display the logs by choosing "Display Log".