SAP Program RHIQ_ST_PERS_SYNC_CURR - Synchronize Account Data for Student Business Partners

Periodic Synchronisation of Account Data for Student Business Partners

This report updates student account data for the current date.
1. When you create infotypes in student administration, the changes willbe recorded in table CMACBPSTCHG.
2. This report must be scheduled periodically. First the reportsearchs tables CMACBPSTCHG or HRP1000 to find all students for which asynchronization is required, then it reads the data from studentinfotypes and updates student account data.
There are several possible general scenarios:
1. The student account data is updated only for current date whenstudent master data is changed, the master data change in the future isnot reflected on the student account data. So the report must bescheduled daily so that student account data can be updated to reflectthe student master data change in the future.
2. It's possible that the flag for creating student account data isdeactivated while student is created. In this situation, the studentaccount data is missing. This report can be used to create studentaccount later on if the customizing flag is activated. In addition, it'salso necessary to execute this report to create new contract objects ifthe contract object type customizing is changed.
3. The automatic account data update might fail during the maintenance,in this case, a system status will be recorded for the student. Thisreport can be executed to correct this kind of problem.


For processing all the students, leave the student object ID fieldempty.
For processing a range of students, you should specify Student ObjectID(s) in selection screen. In addition, you can specify whether thestudents should be selected by using:
Force Update for all Students: This flag controls whether the reportwill be executed only for the marked students (all planned changes fromtable CMACBPSTCHG are evaluated) or for all students. If the flag is'X', all students will be processed, this is usually used in case thatthe customizing is changed. If the flag is empty, only the studentsrecorded in table CMACBPSTCHG will be processed, this is used for dailysychronization so that the changed students will be processed, inaddition, the students with status of failed update of account data willalso be processed.
Flag 'Activate change document' controls whether change documents willbe written.
Flag 'Switch to Simulation Mode' can switch the execution between Realmode and Test mode.

Two standard variants are provided to meet the scenarios describedabove.
Daily synchronization of student account data. It updates the scheduledchanges, as well as failed update.
Update of student account data after customizing is changed.