SAP Program RHIQ_ST_BP_SYNC - Create Business Partner for Students and Update Student Information

Creating Business Partners, Contract Accounts and Contract Objects forStudents.
Please note:
This report is not valid since release 471 onwards. It can't beexecuted in release 471 or newer releases.

The Business partner is the key object for student accounting.
The report can create business partners for those students withoutbusiness partners, and create or update contract accounts and contractobjects.
If the business partner doesn't exist for the student, then businesspartners will be created, at the same time, the report will also createcontract account and contract object(s).
If the business partner already exists, the report will update contractaccount and contract object(s).

To synchronize student personal and address data, reportRHIQ_ST_PERS_SYNC_CURR must be scheduled to run periodically afterrunning this report.


You can specify whether you want to process all students, a range ofstudents or only one student.
1. For processing all the students, leave the student object ID fieldempty.
2. For processing a range of students, you should specify Student ObjectID(s) in selection screen.
Flag 'Activate change document' controls if change documents forbusiness partner and account data are created. Deactivating changedocuments improves the perfomance of this report.

The report will list all students that are successfully processed, i.e.a business partner has been created. It also lists all unsuccessfulstudents, you can refer to those student object ids to run this reportagain so that all students can be successfully processed.