SAP Program RHIQ_SPLIT_OLD_CA - Conversion Program for CM Infotype 1750 (Time Limits/Sequences)

The structure of the infotype Time Limits/Sequences (1750) inthe object academic calendar (CA) was changed in release CM463
. The header of this infotype (database table HRP1750) contains thenew field PERYR (academic year). The time constraint of thisinfotype was changed from 0 (only one record may exist) to 3 (anynumber of records may exist). You can now create an infotype record foreach academic year.
In release CM 462, an academic calendar contained only oneinfotype 1750 record. In this record, you maintained the dates ofseveral academic years.
Since you now require one infotype record per academic year, you mustconvert existing data records. This report creates one infotype recordper academic year for each academic calendar, enters the dates of thisacademic year in the infotype record, and writes the academic year inthe field PERYR of the infotype record header.
If the existing infotype 1750 record contains no dates, the reportwrites the value 9999 in the field PERYR. After conversion, youcan access the infotype record to assign it an academic year bychoosing Campus Management -> Curriculum -> Academic Calendar(transaction PIQCAA) from the SAP menu.

You have created academic calendars in the system in release 4.62


The report selection screen contains the indicator test mode.This indicator is set by default.

If the indicator test mode is set, the report outputs a list ofthe infotype 1750 records to be converted in the new data structure. Ifno infotype records exist, no data is output. We recommend that you runthe report in the test mode first to check the consistency of theoutput.
If the indicator test mode is not set, the report converts theexisting infotype records and writes the converted records to thedatabase. The error messages, warnings, and information messages arecollected in an application log and output after conversion has beencompleted. You can evaluate the log with transaction SLG1 (objectCM_ACAD_CAL) and delete it with transaction SLG2.

Start report RHIQ_SPLIT_OLD_CA manually once in each client usingtransaction SA38 or SE38.