SAP Program RHIQCOH00 - Cohort Builder

You can use this program to create and edit cohorts.
To create a new cohort, choose Create. The system displays adialog box in which you can enter cohort data such as validity period,description, and cohort context. When you have entered and confirmedyour data, the system creates the cohort and displays it in the objectmanager.
You can select cohorts for editing in two ways:

  • Via the object manager

  • If the object manager is hidden, you can use the input help offered in
  • the Cohort field.
    The work area for cohort editing is divided into three frames:
    • In the top frame, you enter the cohort context
    • and key date.
      • In the middle frame, the system displays the structure of the given
      • cohort. A cohort can consist of several subcohorts, and also be part ofa main cohort. You can perform the following activities in thestructure:
        Insert cohort (at the same level or one level lower)
        Remove cohort
        Copy cohort
        Position cohort
        If you select a subcohort or main cohort and then choose this action,the system places this cohort at the top of the structure. It becomesthe top node.
        Switch between the main cohort and subcohort view
        • In the bottom frame, you can

        • Specify the (organizational) attributes of a cohort
          Assign the relevant students to a cohort
          You select these students using a selection method. If a student belongsto a cohort by inheritance and you assign this student to the cohortdirectly using a selection method, the system will remove theinheritance indicator.
          Define the context attributes and objects of a cohort
          You can select context attributes and objects, such as modules in themodule booking context, using a selection method.
          Display the cohort time intervals and create a new key date by clickingthe respective pushbutton.
          The system displays an HTML header in the middle frame by default. Youcan temporarily switch the header display on and off by choosingSettings -> Show/Hide HTML Header. You can permanentlydefine this setting in your user profile by means of the parameterPIQCOHHTML. This parameter can have the following values:
          • Parameter value X = Show header by default

          • Parameter value " " (blank) = Hide header by default

          • You can use the BAdI HRPIQ00COHORTS (OverridePushbuttons for Cohort Editing) to implement up to five user-definedpushbuttons and hide standard pushbuttons. For more information, see theBAdI documentation.