SAP Program RHINTE20_ALT - Check program for PA-PD integration

You can use this program to check whether object types relevant tointegration have been set up in Personnel Administration (HR-PA) and inPersonnel Planning and Development (HR-PD).
To do this, the system compares entries in the HR tables T513/T513S(Job), T528B/T528T (Position, Work Center) and T527X (OrganizationalUnit) with the corresponding objects saved in the Personnel Planningand Development file HRPnnnn in the integration plan version.
Objects missing in either PA or in PD can immediately be added.

Parameter "Only Integration Objects (PA)"
Selection parameter for reading PA table entries
Entry,,,,,,Executed action
Space,,,,All entries are selected
'X',,,,Only integration entries are selected
,,,,(Marked 'P' in the RPPLAN field)