SAP Program RHHCP_DC_ORGOBJECT - Collection of Personnel Cost Planning Data for Org. Objects

This report enables you to collect all planning data for organizationalobjects that you later need for your planning run.

You must collect data before the actual planning run. Before youexecute the planning run, you must first determine which data needs totaken into account for personnel cost planning and make the dataavailable as a data basis. The system writes the data collected usingthis report in infotype Planning of Personnel Costs (5010).
In the standard system, data collection methods are available as a datasource. When you have created your own data collection methods inCustomizing for Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation andimplemented and activated the Business Add-In, the customer-specific
methods in the Data Collection: Organizational Data(HRHCP00_DC_ORGOBJECT) report are also available.

In the Objects group box, store the organizational objects forwhich you want to collect data. The group box corresponds to theselection screen of the PCH logical database.
In the Data Source group box select a data collection method. Inthe Data Collection Methods dialog box, the system offers forselection all data collection methods that are implemented in yourenterprise. In the dialog box you can overwrite the entries for thedata selection period in the columns Data Sel. (Data Selection)from and to. This allows you to change the data selectionperiod for each of the methods. The data selection period specifiesfrom which period the system takes data. For example, you can enter thecurrent calendar year as the data selection period, and in the DataStorage
group box the following year as the data collection period. Thesystem takes the data determined for the current year as planning basisand writes it in infotype Planning of Pers. Costs(5010).
You can select several data collection methods at the same time byselecting the appropriate rows and selecting Continue.
If you have chosen a data collection method that allows or requiresadditional parameters, you can add additional entries to the datasource. If you have only selected data collection methods that do notallow additional parameters, the Additional Parameters
pushbutton is inactive.
In the Data Storage group box you can control the storage ofcollected data. In the Data Collection Period field, enter theperiod for which data collection period you want to select data. Thesystem write the collected data for this period to the Planning ofPers. Costs infotype (5010) after the data collection run.
In the Data Basis (Subtype) field, specify which subtype of thePlanning of Pers. Costs infotype (5010) you want to use.
If you first want to collect data for test purposes, set the TestRun indicator. In this case, the system does not write collecteddata in the database.
If you want to display a list of collected data records, set the Data Record Log indicator.

In the case of errors, the system outputs a corresponding error log.
If you have set the Data Record Log indicator, the systemoutputs the collected data records in a list.