SAP Program RHHAP_RSWUWFML - Copy of RSWUWFML: Send Mails

Mail notification for new work items in the Business Workplace.

The report sends notifications for work items in the form of an e-mailto mail recipients. Mails are only sent to those users for which anautomatic forwarding function has been set up. The send destination isthe address used for the automatic forwarding of mails.
In the "normal" run (not a single run) notifications are only generatedfor work items that:

  • Have status Ready or Waiting

  • Were generated since the previous run (the time of the previous run is
  • always stored in a table)
    • Have a receiver for which an automatic forwarding function has been set
    • up


      • Users who do not use the Business Workplace of a specific SAP System as
      • standard (other mail client, other SAP System), are simply notified.
        • Workflow templates or tasks do not need to be modified

        • Saves consultants development task to provide notification by mail
        • (standard report)
          • Improves overall performance

          • The runtime of the report is less than is needed to log on to R/3several times with the frequent result "there are no new work items".

            The automatic forwarding function must be set up for the requiredrecipient.


            Instance Data:

            • Job suffix:

            • By using a job suffix, several report instances can run simultaneously.Additional report parameters can be set up differently. The times of theprevious run are saved for the individual instances.
              • Tasks:

              • The selection of work items can be restricted to work items for specifictasks (report parameters).

                Send Granularity:

                • One message per work item:

                • A mail is sent for each new work item.
                  • Only form work items:

                  • Mails are only sent for work items that relate to an SAPformtask.
                    • Collective message:

                    • Only one mail is sent for all the user's new work items.

                      Type of Mail:

                      • With executable attachment:

                      • Mails for work items that are related to an SAP form task receive an R3Fattachment. Work items of another type do not.
                        • Without executable attachment:

                        • No mail receives an attachment.

                          Standard Text for Notification
                          You can create the mail text by entering a "text in dialog".

                          Data for a Single Run:
                          A single run exists if a date, a time, and user (as optional) is enteredin the input fields. In contrast to runs that are scheduledperiodically
                          , the time of the previous run is not stored for single runs.

                          • As of Work Item Creation Date:

                          • The creation date of work items for which messages are to be sent is notolder than this date.
                            • As of Work Item Creation Time:

                            • The creation time of work items for which messages are to be sent andthat were created on the day of the As of Work Item Creation Dateis not older than this time.
                              • User (empty = all):

                              • Notifications are only created for those work items that the user has inthe Business Workplace.

                                During the run, the report creates a log in a spool file. You can definea setting to specify what is logged:

                                • Nothing (set Nothing indicator)

                                • Only error message (set Only Errors indicator)

                                • Both success and error messages (set All indicator)
                                • Properties:

                                  • If a work item is sent for each work item, the mail contains the task
                                  • description and the standard text for the notification. If a mail issent for all work items, the mail only contains the standard text forthe notification. Express mails are sent for express work items.
                                    • A mail is sent to n recipients, except for SAPforms
                                    • messages. In this case, a message is sent per recipient because the R3Fattachment contains the recipient's mail. The message is sent to theuser, but it is then forwarded according to the automatic forwardingfunction. Only SAPforms messages are sent directly to theautomatic forwarding address. The e-mail is not saved in theworkflow_local-user folder. Therefore, it is automatically deleted afterthe expiry time of the outbox.
                                      • The results of database queries (for example, addresses for automatic
                                      • forwarding function) are buffered to improve performance.
                                        Special feature of SAPforms: If SAPforms messages are sentwith an R3F attachment, recipients of SAPforms work items shouldstore an Internet address in their Business Workplace for the automaticforwarding function.

                                        Determine relevant work items.
                                        Determine the recipient for each of the work items determined.
                                        Consider only those recipients who have the automatic forwardingfunction set up.
                                        If only one mail is sent for all work items, a check is performed todetermine whether or not a mail has already been sent to the recipient.
                                        Create mail send text (partly work item specific).
                                        Send mail to all recipients.
                                        If work items are related to a form task and the mails are to be sentwith an executable attachment, an individual mail is sent to eachrecipient.

                                        You can define variants for scheduling. If you use several variants, youshould distinguish between them in the job suffix.

                                        You can have a log file created.