Execute this report to generate a list of all employees who have beengranted long-term incentives (LTIs).
This report can for example be used to keep track of the number ofawards that have been granted to or exercised by either a singleemployee or a group of employees.

You must have maintained infotype LTI Grant (0761) for theselected employees, otherwise no overview is generated.

In addition to the standard time-dependent and organizational criteria,you can specify a range of LTI plans and/or grant numbers to beevaluated, as well as the date on which you want to evaluate the recordsof infotype 0761, the applicable currency (required) and the ALV layout.

The report generates a detailed overview of the LTI grants for theselected employees containing the following information:

  • Grant number

  • Grant date

  • Expiry date

  • Number of granted awards

  • Number of forfeited awards

  • Number of vested awards

  • Number of unvested awards

  • Number of outstanding awards

  • Number of exercised awards

  • Number of exercisable awards

  • Gross gain on exercising

  • In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allow you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, displayingsubtotals and totals, exporting data to MS Excel and MS Word, sendingdata as an attachment, or displaying data graphically.