SAP Program RHCHECK0 - Installation Check

Installation Check

This report checks the installation of Organizational Managementcomponents. It does this by checking form and content.

The report performs the following checks:

  • Table T777D/Infotypes

  • This check investigates an infotype's namespace, time constraint,update indicator, programs, screens, and structures.
    • Relationship Consistency

    • This check investigates the relationships of both internal and externalobjects.
      • Subtypes in Table T778U

      • This check investigates the time constraint of the subtypes in tableT778U.
        • Integration Between Personnel Planning and Personnel Administration

        • This check investigates the state of the plan versions, as well as thecustomizing groups PPABT, OTYPE und PPREL in the system table T77S0.
          • Table T77AD/Additional Data

          • This check investigates whether the substructures and database tablesentered in table T77AD (database table for additional data) arecorrectly named and are active in the system.
            Messages that are defined as a warning (which may be required) need tobe checked, while messages defined as errors require you to respond byremoving the error. Otherwise we cannot guarantee that the system willfunction correctly.
            If the report runs without return any error messages, this does notnecessarily mean that every error has been excluded.