SAP Program RHAUTUPD_NEW - User Master Data Reconciliation

This report performs the user master comparison for the selected roles.You can also start the user master comparison for individual roles intransaction PFCG.
You can execute this report with the individual processing types indialog, or to schedule it as a complete comparison in the background.-To be able to perform the comparison for only certain processing typesas a background program, schedule a variant of the program RHAUTUPD_NEW.
Select the processing types:

  • Profile comparison: Start the profile comparison immediately
  • after profiles are generated or imported. If you use time-dependent roleassignments, we recommend that you schedule this daily as a backgroundprogram. The authorization profiles are compared with the user masterrecords; that is, profiles which are no longer current are deleted fromthe user master records, and the current profiles are added to the usermaster records.
    • Composite Role Comparison: Start the composite role comparison,
    • if you are making changes to a composite role definition (that is,adding or deleting single roles to a composite role), or importing achange. The single role assignments are compared with the composite roleasisgnments to the user here. If you have added single roles to thecomposite role, the single roles are assigned to those users that havean assignment to the composite role. However, the single roleassignments are deleted for usrs, if the single role has been removedfrom the composite role.
      • HR Comparison: Start the HR comparison if you are making changes
      • to the HR-Org model that affect the indirect role assignment. You canonl select thsi processing mode, if HR-org is active. To do this, theswtich HR_ORG_ACTIVE must be set to YES in table PRGN_CUST.
        • Cleanups: Perform cleanups if you generate or import profiles.
        • Generated profiles for which no roles exist are deleted.
          Additional Options:
          • Display Log: In background mode, all status and error messages
          • are listed in the job log. In dialog mode, only errors and warnings aredisplayed, in a dialog box that appears after the program has ended. Anexception to this are errors that occur during a HR comparison. Fortechnical reasons, these errors are displayed separately and need to beconfirmed by the administrator.
            • Replicate Local HR Assignments in the Central System (Can only be
            • selected if this client is a child system of a CUA group and HR-Org isactive.): Role assignments in the child system, which arose from linksin the local HR-Org model are replicated for information in the centralsystem.

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