SAP Program BBP_PRODUCT_CONVERT_CURRENCY - Product: Change Currency of Price Used for Release Procedure

Product Master: Currency Changes for Prices Used for Release Proceduresin EBP

This report enables you to change the currency of the price used forrelease procedures. The price is then converted appropriately. Thisprice and the relevant currency can be maintained in the purchasingdata in product maintenance.
This report was created specifically for the changeover to the eurocurrency. However, it can also be used for conversions to othercurrencies.
You are advised to select only those products which were created inthis logical system. Those products which were created by downloadingthem from an OLTP System should be converted to the euro in the OLTPSystem and then updated in the logical system by another download.
Once you have carried out the euro conversion in the OLTP System, youshould download the Customizing object DNL_CUST_PROD2. After this, youshould perform an initial download for the business object MATERIAL.

You can use the product ID to select products on the selection screen.
If the Test run indicator is set, the selected products are notchanged and only the list described below is output.
The Only this logical system indicator specifies which productsshould be considered; only those which were created in the EBP Systemor also those whose original system is a different system.
You also need to specify the exchange rate type, exchange rate date,old currency, and new currency.

The report produces a list with the selected products, showing the oldprice and currency and the new price and currency.
If the report was not run in test mode, the products which could not beupdated are listed. The reason is also given, for example "locked byuser XY".
The list also shows the number of selected as well as the number ofupdated products.