SAP Program BBP_ES_CUSTOMIZINGDATA_EXTRACT - Extraction of Customizing Data for the E-Sourcing Application

This report is used to extract the Customizing data consisting ofcompany codes, purchasing organizations, purchasing groups, plants,payment terms and material groups. The extracted data is rendered as anXML document. The format of the XML data is specific to the needs of theSAP E-Sourcing application.
The final objective is to get the XML files to a location where theimporter from the SAP E-Sourcing application can access them.

You have activated the integration with the SAP E-Sourcing applicationand made the required settings in Customizing for Integration withOther Components under E-Sourcing.
You can use the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) to enhance thestandard funcionality:

  • BAdI: Adding Additional Data to the
  • Customizing Data Extractor
    • BAdI: Download XML-Files to a
    • Different Location


      Specify the following:

      • Languages in which you want to extract the data

      • Location of the extracted files (see Output below)

      • Specific Customizing objects to be extracted
      • Standard_variants
        There are no standard variants that are delivered.

        The rendered XML data is output to the location that you specify on theselection screen. The guidelines are

        • If you plan to schedule/execute the report as a background job, always
        • save the generated XML files on the application server. You canimplement the BAdI Download XML-Filesto a Different Location if you need to store the files in a differentlocation that is accessible to the application server.
          • If you execute the report online, you can store the file either on the
          • local PC or on the application server.

            RESET N1
            Select the Customizing objects that need to be extracted, and check thefile names.
            Specify the languages in which the data needs to be extracted (forCustomizing objects that support multiple languages).
            Specify the directory or folder where the generated XML files are to besaved.
            Execute the report or schedule it for execution periodically as needed.If the report is scheduled as a background job then refer to theguidelines in the Output section above.

            You want to extract plants in the languages DE and EN to the defaultappserver directory.
            RESET N1
            Enter the languages DE and EN in the Language Key field.
            Select Save on Application Server and enter the folder location.
            Select the Download Plants checkbox and verify the file name.
            Choose Execute.
            In transaction AL11, verify that the files are saved in the appserverdirectory that you specified.

1609987overview of extension of ERP extraction report for Sourcing
1509572Transfer of condition types from ERP to SAP Sourcing