Maintain Table HRMDORIGIN

Table HRMDORIGIN, which is used in distributed OrganizationalManagement and in the 'Distributed HR Master Data' scenario to storethe original systems of objects, is maintained. Entries in this tableare made automatically, which means it must not be maintained duringnormal system operations, and should only be maintained if absolutelynecessary. The table is initialized by report RHALEHRMDORIGINIT.
Execute function
For more information on the 'Distributed Organizational Management' and'Distributed HR Master Data' scenarios, access the SAP Library andchoose Cross-Application Components -> Business FrameworkArchitecture -> ALE Business Process Library -> Human Resources ->Master Data Distribution (Human Resources).

If you want to use the original system mechanism, you must set the ALEREPLI or ALE REPPA switch in table T77S0.

The selection screen enables you to specify whether all of the changesto original table HRMDORIGIN are merely local, or whether changepointers are written so that new information is distributed. If data isdistributed by change pointers, note that change pointers are onlywritten for originals in accordance with the 'DistributedOrganizational Management' scenario which means, in this instance, whenentering or setting to original, but not when deleting or when changingthe original system to an external system.
The user is responsible for avoiding data inconsistencies and forensuring that the table remains identical in all of the systemsinvolved in distribution for the objects that exist in those systems.
A history is stored for all changes to entries in the original systemtable, which means that only the current record is changed, generated,or deleted.
To display the history of an object's original system entries, click onthe magnifying glass.

The selected objects are displayed in two tables. The objects withoutan entry in the original system table are listed on the left. Theoriginal system table entries are listed on the right. Objects can beentered. Entries can be changed, deleted, and be set to original in thecurrent system. All changes are written to the database when theSave changes function is executed.