SAP Program RG_PP_GENERATE_XPRA - XPRA for FI-SL/GL Planning Customizing Tables

Installing Customizing tables for FI-SL/GL planning

XPRA RG_PP_GENERATE_XPRA prepares the Customizing tables of FI-SL/GLplanning based on the customer installation. The system attempts tointall all SL summary tables in table T800A for all clients listed intable T000. If a table cannot be installed, the system goes on to thenext table and the customer can intall the summary table at a latertime using the transaction glplinst.

This program is only relevant for Release 4.6A.

Installation of Customizing tables for FI-SL/GL planning.

All clients and all SL summary tables are processed. Summary table GLT3is not installed. For each table, the dimensions to be planned arecompared with the entries in table T800D (fields for master datavalidation). If the field is not entered there, it is not included inthe installation. If a dimension does not appear in planning afterinstallation, the related entry should be made in table T800D and thetable should be reinstalled.

You obtain a message each time a table cannot be intstalled, but theprocessing continues.