SAP Program RG_MIGRATION - FI-SL: Business Place Migration

You use this report to carry out Business Place migration for a specialpurpose ledger. The balance of a Business Place is determined in thetotals table of the special purpose ledger. This balance is carriedforwarded via a migration account, and the corresponding items creditedin the totals table. Then the migration account is credited for a targetBusiness Place, and the items are debited under the new target BusinessPlace.
You need this report, for example, in banking, if you use the BusinessPlace to reflect branches.

In order to be able to run the report, the following prerequisites mustbe fulfilled:

  • The special purpose ledger for which you are carrying out the business
  • place clearing must contain the original postings of the general ledger.
    • In General Ledger Accounting you have created a balance sheet account to
    • which you post the balance of the source business place. You use thisclearing account exclusively for the business place clearing.
      Note: Make sure that you have not defined any automaticsubstitutions for the migration account.

      The report runs through the following steps and makes the followingpostings:
      The report determines the source Business Place. This is calculated byadding the debit and credit postings from the periods, G/L accounts, andadditional fields you have entered as selection criteria.
      In the first posting, the individual G/L accounts per profit center forthe source Business Place are credited, and the balance of the sourceBusiness Place is posted to the migration account. This makes thebalance of the source Business Place zero for the specified periods.
      In a second posting, the migration account is cleared with the targetBusiness Place again and the G/L accounts are debited with the originalamount, with the target Business Place specified. Thus a debit postingfor the source Business Place becomes a credit posting for the target.Business Place, and vice versa.
      The report determines the balances in local currency and carries out thepostings in local currency.
      You have the following options when you run the report:

      • The cost center required in the parameter will be used when a profit and
      • loss account will be handled. Remember that in case of not assigning aProfit Center to the cost center the standard behavior will be dete
        rmining dummy. Besides, when you will perform the semi annual closeremember that this profit center should be assigned to the targetBusiness Place (in the view V_CEPC_FS), otherwise it will not beselected.
        • You can block the Source Profit Center of the Business Place for further
        • postings. The profit Center is locked once the balance has beentransferred to the target Business Place. To do this, set the indicatorLock Source Business Place on the tab page Additional Parameters.
          • You can run the report in test mode. The report then calculates a
          • balance for the selection criteria specified without carrying outpostings. To do this, set the indicator Test Run on the tab pageAdditional Parameters.

            You can use the following selection criteria:

            • Fiscal year and periods

            • The report selects the totals items for the period specified.
              • G/L accounts

              • If you do not want to enter a G/L account or G/L account interval, thereport is run for all G/L accounts that have an account assignment forthe source Business Place. If you enter a G/L account or G/L accountinterval, the report is only run for the G/L accounts specified.
                • Additional fields

                • In the additional fields you can enter additional account assignments asselection criteria (for example, business area, functional area, and soon). The balance is calculated at account assignment level that is, thebalance is calculated for the source Business Place per accountassignment. The subsequent postings are at account assignment level. Youcan also specify customer-defined fields (fields in the customer namerange Z*).

                  In the output list you can see an overview of the items selected tocreate the balance, and the balance itself. If you run the report inupdate mode, the document numbers of the postings created also appear.

                  You have specified 100 as source Business Place and 200 as targetBusiness Place. The migration account is account 131101. There arethreeitems for the period specified and the Business Place in the totalstable for your special purpose ledger.
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Profit Center,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Case 1: Without additional Profit Center field
                  You run the report without the additional Profit Centerfield.
                  The report calculates the balance for all items, and carries out oneposting to credit the source Business Place and to debit the targetBusiness Place. The report creates the following postings:
                  Posting 1: Debit to Business Place 100
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Profit Center,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Posting 2: Debit to target Business Place 200:
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Profit Center,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Case 2: With additional Profit Center field
                  You run the report with the additional Profit Centerfield. The reportcreates a balance for the business areas 10 and 20 respectively. Italsocarries out two postings to debit the source Business Place and todebitthe target Business Place. The report creates the followingpostings:
                  Postings to debit source Business Place 100:
                  Posting 1 for Profit Center 10
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Profit Center,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Posting 2 for Profit Center 20
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Profit Center,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Postings to debit target Business Place 200:
                  Posting 3 for Profit Center 10
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Business area,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC
                  Posting 4 for Profit Center 20
                  G/L account,,Business Place,,Business area,,Debit/credit,,Amount in LC