SAP Program RGUGLS11 - Actual Line Items for Table GLT1

The report RGUGLS11 is a sample program for outputting actual line itemsfor summary table GLT1. The program reads the data from the lineitem table GLS1 und prints a list with the most important fields.
The following interactive functions are supported on the list:
Sort, Find, Save in PC file, Document display, Print.
You can directly call up the program or access it using the report/report interface in a Report Writer report. You can then, for example,display a specific row belonging to that line item in a summary datareport.
If you have created a separate summary table in your system, you cancopy the program and adapt it to the new line item table. To do so,proceed as follows:
In your copy, replace the line item table GLS1 with your new line itemtable. Also replace the summary table GLT1 with your new summary table.
Edit the SELECT-OPTIONS and SELECT directions, so that all relevantfields available for line item selection are taken into consideration.
Edit the subroutine WRITE_RECORD, so that all the fields you want willbe printed. Change the text symbol for TEXT-U01 for the column heading.