SAP Program RGUCBIW1_PI - FI-SL: Assign DataSource to a Ledger

In this transaction, you can generate DataSources for data extractioninto BI for your ledgers.
As of PI 2003, delta-enabled DataSources can also be created for FI-SLline items.

DataSources can only be generated for ledgers in the customer namespace.An extract structure must be created for the underlying table (totalsrecord- or line item table) (transaction FAGLBW01 for new GeneralLedger Accounting or BW01 for FI-SL).

After starting the transaction, you get a list of all selectable ledgersfor which you can generate/maintain DataSources for the totals recordsand/or for the line items. If a suitable ledger does not appear, you maynot have generated an extract structure for the underlying table. Callup transaction FAGLBW01 or BW01 to do so.
The list contains the following information (columns from left toright):
Description of ledger
Table (totals table that is based on the ledger)
Totals record-DataSource
Delta capability of totals record-DataSource (from release 4.70)
Status of totals record-DataSource
Line items-DataSource
Status of LI-Datasource
The status indicator gives the current status. It can be found on theright hand side, in the column next to the field of the DataSource inquestion. You can generate/maintain any DataSource by double-clickingthe appropriate field in the corresponding column (totals record- orline items- DataSource).
When creating a new DataSource, a name is proposed in the subsequentdialog box. For totals record DataSources, the indicator follows theconvention 3FI_GL_xx_TT in new General Ledger Accounting (or3FI_SL_xx_TT in FI-SL); for line item-DataSources, it follows theconvention 3FI_GL_xx_SI (or 3FI_SL_xx_SI), whereby "xx" serves as theplaceholder for the ledger in question. You can alter the proposed name(the initial "3" must remain in place, however). Nevertheless, westrongly recommend that you retain the proposed convention.
For totals record DataSources in new General Ledger Accounting, you canalso select a delta procedure. For more information, see the onlinedocumentation on the relevant radio button.
We recommend using the delta queue.
In processing mode, you can exclude individual fields of the ledger fromthe selection/ data transfer into BI. The DataSource is generated afterchoosing Save.