SAP Programs

Program Text
RGUGBR24 Rule Manager: Generates Tables ABAP Code
RGUGBR25 Rule Manager: Generates Usages of Rules/Sets
RGUGBR26 Rule Manager: Conversion for Release 3.0 Boolean Rules
RGUGBR28 VSR: Change the Message Class for Boolean Classes
RGUGBR30 Rule Directory
RGUGBR31 Validation Directory
RGUGBR32 Substitution Directory
RGUGBR33 Test Tool For Validations/Substitutions/Rules
RGUGBR40 Valid./Subst.: Use of Messages in Validations
RGUGBR41 Valid./Subst.: List for Substituted Fields
RGUGBT00 Rule Maintenance
RGUGBT10 Repairing or deleting inconsistent substitutions
RGUGBT12 Repairing or deleting inconsistent validations
RGUGBT14 Repairing or deleting inconsistent rules
RGUGCU00 Report for Generating Code for FI-SL Customizing
RGUGDBAN Generator for Program RGUDBANA
RGUGDEL0 Generate Deletion Routines
RGUGFIS0 FI-SL drilldown reporting: Generate internal tables for FIS
RGUGGLT0 Generate INCLUDES for New General Ledger
RGUGLFUNCA Actual Line Items for Table GLFUNCT
RGUGLFUNCP Plan Line Items for Table GLFUNCT
RGUGLFUNCT Summary Records from Table GLFUNCT
RGUGLG00 Generation Program for Logical Database GLG
RGUGLG05 Generation Program for Logical Database GLG
RGUGLGAS Manual Update of Standard FI-SL Field Catalog (Note 198106)
RGUGLP13 Plan Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLPCA Profit Center Accounting: Actual Line Items
RGUGLPCP Profit Center Accounting: Plan Line Items
RGUGLPCT Profit Center Accounting: Totals Records
RGUGLS10 Display Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLS11 Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLS12 Actual Line Items for Table GLT1
RGUGLT13 Totals Records from Table GLT1
RGUGPLUM Convert Planning Data
RGUGRA01 Hierarchy Graphics for FI-SL Master Data
RGUGRA02 Hierarchy Graphics for FI-SL Master Data
RGUGRA03 Graphic Display of Table Installation
RGUGSL00 G/L Generate Allocation Select Statement
RGUGTYP0 Generate type information for SFIS
RGUGTYPES Generating Types
RGUGUMS0 Report To Convert A Database Using Archiving
RGUGVTR0 FI-SL: Generate FIELDS Includes and Update Routines for SAPFGVTR
RGUI0300 FI-SL: Report Directory
RGUIDDEL Initialization of Mapping Tables for APO Orders
RGUINVX0 Program to rename FI_SL_DATA -> GLX-OBJECT
RGUIST00 Program to Find an Optimal Index for SL Tables
RGUIST01 Calculation of Potential Number of Records in a New GL Totals Table
RGUJUMP0 Program to Directly Access Functions in the Diagnosis Tool
RGULCARCFIND Find FI-LC Archives with Fixed Fields
RGULDB00 Display Structure of the Logical Database GLG
RGULED00 Check and Correct Customizing Entries in the General Ledger
RGULIST0 Contents of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables
RGUM804D FI-SL-IS: XPRA for Converting Table T804D (Text for Data Field Def.)
RGUMD000 Generating Includes for Master Data Validation
RGUMLFIX Identify Ledger as a 'Fixed' Ledger of a Specific Application
RGUMT80U FI-SL: XPRA for Conversion of Table T80U (User exits)
RGUMT889 Conversion Report for the Text Tables T889T and T889TE
RGUOBJTE Example Object Number Test Program for GLFUNCT
RGUPLUM0 Convert Planning Data
RGUPOOL0 Ledger in Pool Tables
RGURCLARCFIND Find CO-OM-RCL Reconciliation Ledger Archives via Window Fields
RGUREC00 Example of External Data Transfer into FI-SL
RGUREC01 Test Data Creation for RGUREC00
RGUREC10 Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting
RGUREC20 Transfer CO Documents (Actual Data) to FI-SL
RGUREC30 Transfer Documents from Materials Management
RGUREC40 Transfer Opening Balance of Stat. Key Figures (Type 1)
RGUREC50 CO Document Transfer: Plan Data to FI-SL
RGUREC51 Re-post Plandata by Document Number
RGURECFI Subsequent posting of FI docs in GLT0
RGURECGLFLEX Transfer of Opening Balance Actual Data to General Ledger
RGUREL3A Archive Object CO_CEL_RCL: Reloading Archived Data
RGURELLC Consolidation: Reload Line Items (Archiving Object FI_LC_ITEM)
RGURELMM Reload Program for Archiving Object MM_ACCTIT
RGURELPC Reload Archived EC-PCA Data (Archiving Object PCA_OBJECT)
RGURELSL FI-SL: Reload Archived Data (Archiving Object FI_SL_DATA)
RGURELTC Consolidation: Reload Totals Records (Archiving Object FI_LC_SUM)
RGUREP00 Generator for Table Repair Program RGUREP02
RGUREP01 Table Repair Main Program
RGUREP02 Repair Program: Totals from Line Items for Pool and Transport Tables
RGUREP03 FI-SL: Deletion of Actual Line Items and Correction of Totals Records
RGUREP04 Correction of Duplicate Object Numbers (Takes S Fields into Account)
RGUREP05 Correction of Incorrect RPMAXs in Summary Table
RGUREP06 Conversion of logsys in Summary Tables (Beginning with 4.5)
RGUREP07 Change of Values in Logical Key Fields in FI-SL ("Realignment")
RGUREP10 Deletion/Follow-Up Posting of FI Follow-On Docs in User-Def. Ledgers
RGUREP11 FI-SL: Check Object Number Consistency
RGUREP12 FI-SL: Object Number Consistency Check (Generated by RGUREP11)
RGUREP13 FI-SL: Reversal of Actual Documents
RGUREP_COFIT Correction Report for Tables COFIT/COFIO1 (Ledger 3A)
RGURESELDEC FI-SL Drilldown Reporting: Generated Routine to Decode Select Options
RGURTD00 FI-SL: Currency Translation
RGURTD01 FI-SL: Currency Translation
RGUSI100 Find Values in Sets
RGUSLAFI Finding archives with fixed fields
RGUSLARCFIND Finding archives with fixed fields
RGUSLSEP Compare Totals Records with Total from Line Items
Lines 26701 to 26800 of 57103 entries
1 266 267 268 269 270 572