SAP Program RGJVEDIX - EDI Outbound Basic Configuration for new Client/Company/Billing-Struc.


Basic Configuration for JV EDI Outbound Process

Initial installation of Joint Venture software and configuration ofcompany and billing structure parameters for the company beingconfigured. Ensure that company region (USA / Canada / International)and processing level (partner / venture) are maintained correctly.

Updates the following tables programatically:

  • JV partner function

  • JV application code

  • JV output types

  • JV message types

  • JV outbound process types

  • Company configuration

  • Billing levels

  • Segment components

  • Segment drivers

  • Invoice service codes

  • JIBE class codes

  • JIBE subclass codes

  • JIBE tubular codes (Canada only)

  • JIBE non-tubular codes (Canada only)

  • JIBE condition codes

  • Contact function codes

  • Communication codes
  • Execution
    This program should normally only be executed once in any givenenvironment. It's purpose is to set up the base configuration deliveredwith the system, which may be used as delivered or it may be tailoredto further meet individual requirements.
    The company that is being configured must already have been assigned abilling structure which will be used by default for the billingstructure dependant configuration. The region code assigned to thecompany will dictate if the configuration will be specific to the USA,Canada or International processing.
    Tables populated by this program are expected empty for the client /company / billing structure being configured. If any of the tablesconfigured by this program, are already populated when the program isexecuted/re-executed, then these will be bypassed (only tables with noentries will be populated). You may however choose to override theexisting configuration by clicking on "X" the relevant table'scheck-box. Extreme caution is recommended when using overrides.