SAP Program RGJVCYP1 - Print of all Cycle Information for Joint Venture Accounting

This report prints all information for a cycle.
This includes a standard list of the cycle information as well as alist with the contents of all used sets.
For each cycle selected for printing, this report generates two spoolrequests. The request named AreaCycle_C (AreaCycle = Controlling Areaplus Cycle Name) contains the compressed cycle information, while therequest named AreaCycle_R contains the receiver control and setinformation.
Controlling Area is a required field that must be filled out beforethis report can be run. However, once the Controlling Area field hasbeen filled out, then only cycles from this given Controlling Area willbe displayed when possible entries (F4) for the field Cycle Name isrequested. If one wishes to see possible entries for the field CycleName from all Controlling Areas, then the Controlling Area field mustbe left blank. If one wishes to print information for all cycles from agiven Controlling Area, then the fields Cycle Name and Start Date mustbe left blank.