SAP Program RGJVCF02 - JVA GL-X Carry Forward Program - RGJVCF02 (all GL-X ledger possible)

This program calculates and inserts the carry forward balances forJVTO1 and JVTO2. This allows inception-to-date calculations to beperformed for the entries in these tables. All GL-X ledgers may beselected for processing (selection is not limited to the JVA GL-Xledgers: i.e. 4A, 4C, 4E, 4F for JVTO1 and 4B, 4D for JVTO2).
If an entry already exists, it is updated with the carry forwardbalances.

Entries in JVTO1 and JVTO2 are selected joint venture by joint venture.If the joint venture is not flagged as requiring inception-to-datecalculations, then carry forward amounts are not calculated for theentries in JVTO1 and JVTO2 for that joint venture.

The program updates JVTO1 and JVTO2 with carry forward balances.
If "Detail List" is requested, a detailed list is produced of allentries processed. If a large number of entries are processed, thislist will be voluminous. The headings for the list are as follows:
CoCd = Company Code
JVName = Joint Venture
Table = JVTO1 or JVTO2
Lg = Ledger
EGr = Equity Group
Account = General Ledger Account
CoAr = Controlling Area
Cost Object = Cost centre, Project, Order, Profit Ctr.
RI = Recovery Indicator (JVTO1 only)
Partner = Partner
BI = Billing Indicator (JVTO2 only)
I/U = record inserted or updated in new year
Trans. Currency = carry forward amount in trans. currency
Local Currency = carry forward amount in local currency
Quantity = carry forward quantity
Cutback Trans. Currency = carry forward cutback amount in
transaction currency (JVTO1 only)
Cutback Local Currency = carry forward cutback amount in local
currency (JVTO1 only)