SAP Program RGJVBR10 - Billing output: Hard copy billing

This program generates hard copy billing Invoices, Statements andExpenditure Reports from the Billing and Joint Venture Ledger extractsproduced by programs RGJVBE01 and RGJVBE02 respectively. This is themain program that drives the generation of hardcopy billing invoices,statements and expenditure detail reports. Form routines identified ontable T8J0P are called by this program to perform the actual dataretrieval and population of SAPscript tables to generate the hardcopybilling documents.
The program performs both venture-based and partner-based billing.For venture-based companies, for a single partner an invoice isgenerated for each venture. Statement and expenditure reports aregenerated, where required, for each equity group and each form-type.
Partner based processing is complicated by the fact that the invoicedata is held on the database cluster by venture. Thereforepartner-based invoices are generated for each funding currency acrossall venture clusters in which the partner has an interest. On the otherhand statement and expenditure reports are generated the same way asventure-based. For each partner and venture statements and expenditure,when required, are generated for each equity group and each form-type.
The process will be run on a monthly basis for all ventures andacross all equity groups and owners unless suspended. The facility willexist to rerun the program for a selection of ventures and/or owners.
This program is linked to user configurable output formats. Forstatements CREATE_STATEMENT, for expenditures CREATE_EXPENDITURE, andfor invoices CREATE_INVOICE form routines may be used if desired.
Special purpose expenditures are available inCREATE_NORWEGIAN which corresponds to theNorwegian billing format, and CREATE_EXP_BY_ETYPE which groups theexpenditures by Equity types (which includes all Equity groups) ratherthan by Equity group.

Prior to running this program, the extract program must be run.

The output is put on the spooler, which can be displayed and printedby using transaction sp01.