Reconciliation of Documents in Financial Accounting (FI) and theFlexible General Ledger (FLEX) for Open Items

This program reconciles FI documents with Flexible General Ledgerdocuments as part of the local currency conversion.
The reconciliation has three steps:
1.) The total from document lines in the Flexible General Ledger thatrefer to FI line items has to equal the amount in Financial Accounting.If differences exist, the amount will be adjusted in a line in theFlexible General Ledger. The line with the largest amount is adjusted.
2.) During the local currency conversion, the FI documents balance outto zero. Here, new document lines can exist. The line items aretransferred to the Flexible General Ledger.
3.) In the Flexible General Ledger, you can select account assignmentelements in addition to the company code for which the total amounts ofthe first, second, and third local currency balance out to zero. Duringreconciliation, this zero balance is restored.
A zero balance via the document of the Flexible General Ledger is notnecessary, since all totals are adjusted to match the amount inFinancial Accounting; additionally, the new lines are transferred fromFI. The totals are grouped using the line item of the FI document. TheFI document is first balanced to zero, so that the aforementionedreconciliation leads to a zero balance in the Flexible General Ledger.
The program can end with the status OK, WRG, or ERR, depending on thedata. Such a status means that all items were read and thereconciliation was carried out or at least attempted for each lineitem.
OK: ,,All necessary documents were read. Reconciliation was completedsuccessfully for all documents.
WRG: All necessary documents were read. During reconcilation, thesystem recognized a condition that was noted in the log. You shouldthus check the log. In principle, the program was successfully run.
ERR,,All necessary documents were read. For some documents, the systemcould not complete a reconciliation. The reasons and the documentnumbers are in the program log.
,,The program did not end successfully. Additional work is needed. Thiswork is due to the errors that occurred. You need to check the programlog and then decide how to proceed.
The program can also be stopped prior to the reconciliation of alldocuments. This can occur due to technical errors during programprocessing, or it may stop automatically, if adjustment accounts havenot been specified in Customizing for all company codes involved. Checkwhether the program was interrupted or simply stopped on its own. Inthe second case, you will find this error message in the log. You haveto correct the Customizing settings and rerun the report. In the firstcase, the system settings need to be changed before restarting theprogram. This is dependent upon the error. If in doubt, you should askyour consultant or contact SAP.
In principle, the program can be restarted at any time. Duringreconciliation of the documents, the last key process is saved in thestatus table (EWUPGSTAT) when saving to the database. If the program isrestarted, it automatically starts at this point.

The program is integrated in the EURO local currency changeover andautomatically starts in the RECON phase.

Prior to the local currency changeover, you need to make certain thatan adjustment account is available under correction class 008 for allcompany codes in which the local currency is to be changed over. Forperformance reasons, you should also set the "Balances only in localcurrency" indicator.


The program automatically selects the open items that are part of thecurrent local currency changeover for the company.
Company codes participating in the changeover are identified by aprogram in the ANALYZE and FILL phases and saved in the table EWUORG.The company codes are read in the program and only the open items ofthese company codes are reconciled.

The program changes the documents directly in the database. The log issaved in log management and displays the number of read, changed, andinserted records per table. All errors are also listed.