SAP Program RGCEUR60 - FI-LC: Delete Financial and Transaction Data in Year of Changeover

This program initializes the financial data (levels ' ','0','8') of theselected companies and ledgers in the FILCT database for the periods 1through 16 of the year of the euro changeover.
This program also deletes (from the FILCA database) those journal entryrecords that already exist in the FILCA database for the year of theeuro changeover for periods 1 through 16.
However, the program does not delete reversal documents that belong toperiod 1, which result from postings of the old fiscal year (identifiedby a corresponding document type defined in Customizing.
The program runs during the FILL phase and the RECON phase of the eurochangeover.

Balances must be carried forward from the old fiscal year; statusmanagement must be closed for the old fiscal year.

The program produces a list of the organizational units involved (i.e.,ledgers, companies), of which the reported financial data and/or thejournal entries have been initialized or deleted in the year of thechangeover.
An option is available that also lists the totals records and thejournal entries, which were initialized or deleted.
Any existing reversal documents in period 1, of which the underlyingdocuments are posted in the old year, appear at the end of the outputlist.