SAP Program RGCEDR20 - Download Extract to R/2 RF-KONS

Using this program you can download an extract file from the FI Systemonto a disk, which the parent company with an R/2 System can thentransfer to the RF-KONS System via PC upload.

Maintain the item catalog according to the defintion set by the parentcompany.
Define items for retained earnings in the balance sheet and incomestatement. To do this, use the standard indicators 'BG' and 'ERG'.
For the download enter the folder (directory) in which the files are tobe stored on the PC, for example d:\download\.
Before you start the download you must create an extrakt to theconsolidation using the program Financial Statements Comparison.

For each company a file is created POS_xxxx.DAT (xxxx = company).