SAP Program RGCDOW10 - Download for Consolidation

You can use this program to the PC data entry of individual financialstatemet data for a company within the group. The company receives adisk which has the PC files for entering the individual financialstatement data via PC.
Using the program you can also load previous year comparison values onto the disk. These can act as a guide for the subsidiary when enteringdata.
An important aspect of the PC data entry is the transfer of validationrules to the subsidiary. This enables the subsidiary to makecorrections when they enter the data and means errors do not have to becorrected when the data is loaded into the consolidation system.

All companies that enter their data via PC must be assigned a dataentry form group. All the data entry forms assigned to such a groupare then loaded onto the disk with the relevant line structures. Atthe same time all the sets defined are broken down.
The financial statement items and their texts for a company aredownloaded. The financial statement item texts and all other textsneeded for the PC data entry are loaded onto the disk in the languageset in the company's master record.