SAP Program RGCCHP00 - Contra Item/Retained Earnings

This progam is required, if you need to transfer individual financialstatement data to the consolidation system automatically from the R/2RF System, from a comparable accounting system or from within R/3 usingdirect posting.
Accounting systems for individual closings do not post retainedearnings, these are normally calculated by the system.
As these values are needed for consolidation, the program calulates theretained earnings and stores the amount for the appropriate item in thedata base.
In addition, the assignment of the account balances from the individualclosing to certain balance sheet items could have values which,according to their sign actually belong on the other side of thebalance sheet.
If you have assigned under the menu item -> Fin.statement items-> Maintain such items a contra item, that is, an item on theother side of the balance sheet, then the program will transfers theinverted balance (keeping all the additional account assignments) tothe contra item. This transfer takes place at company level.
You can run this program as often as you like. It does not produce anydocuments.