SAP Program RFZALI20 - Payment List

After a proposal run, the payment list generated by these programs canbe used as the basis for processing proposals and, after an update run,for reconciliation with the payment summaries from the payment mediumprogram.
The payment list displays:

  • All invoices due for payment

  • All items which are not marked for payment

  • These have an item indicator which contains information about therelevant blocking reason. An explanatory text about the item indicatorsis found at the end of the issued list with the exceptions.
    You can configure the payment list in such a way that it is specific toyour requirements. The ABAP List Viewer functions help you to do this.You can find out more about the ABAP List Viewer in the SAP Libraryunder CA - Cross-Application Components -> General ApplicationFunctions (CA-GTF) -> ABAP List Viewer.

    Once the payment program has been started, theprocedure for displaying the payment data is the same as before. Choose"Edit -> Proposal -> Proposal list" or "Edit -> Payment -> Payment list"and enter the required display program. You can use program RFZALI20 todisplay exception lists by choosing "Edit -> Proposal -> Exceptionlist", or "Edit -> Payment -> Exception list" and entering programRFZALI20. An exception list must be displayed by making a suitableselection on the selection screen (select the "Exceptions" field anddeselect the "Paid documents" field), and by storing these settings as avariant.

    You have various options for configuring the list according to yourindividual requirements. The user specifications can be entered on theselection screen and saved as variants.
    You can determine how the output list will look in the maintenence modeof program RFZALI20.
    In order to start RFZALI20 in maintenance mode, select the indicator"Display variant maintainance" on the selection screen.
    You can display or hide columns, change their field output length, setfilters, and change sort criteria. Note that the company code has toremain the first sort criterion.
    You can create company code-specific and cross-company code variants forboth for the main list and for totals lists.
    After you have created and saved these display variants, you can executeRFZALI10 in display mode with these variants. (Do not set indicator"Display variant maintenance"). You can use the individual indicators tohide the output of the totals lists. It is thus possible to enter thevariants in the relevant fields.
    You can select the type of item to be displayed.
    If you select the field "Paid documents", the payment list will containall items that have been selected for payment.
    If you select the "Exceptions" indicator, the items displayed will bethose which are not ready for payment for reasons referred to in theitem indicator.
    At least one of these two fields must have been selected for a list tobe produced.
    You can choose the summarization indicator from the list of paymentamounts.
    If you select the "Summarized data" field, the list displays the paymentamounts for each payment document number.
    If you do not select this field, the list is displayed at line itemlevel.
    Display variants can be used.
    The payment list layout created by you to meet your requirements can bestored as a display variant using the ABAP list viewer. The name of thedisplay variant must be entered in the "Display variant" field for youto be able to specify it on the selection screen.
    You can either display or hide address information.
    The address of the customer/vendor involved, the alternative payee orpayer (where applicable), and bank details are displayed for eachpayment document number. You can determine the maximum number of linesthat should be available for this with the field "Max. no. of addresslines". If you enter a "0", the above information will be suppressed
    You can display additional headers.
    If you want to display further information under the standard header,you can make the specifications in the field "Additional headers".
    If you require a detailed breakdown of the deductions, set the indicator"Display withholding tax data". This is located on the second tabstrip"Selections". When you choose this option, cash discount and individualwithholding tax types are listed separately, provided that withholdingtax deductions are available.
    You use print parameters for the scheduling of program RFZALI20 in thepayment program.
    Use the key "Print parameters" to enter print control values forscheduling program RFZALI20 in the payment program. Among other things,you can determine the necessary output format, which must be determinedtaking into account the list variant that you have used. The printparameters specified, which are only relevant for scheduling the programin the payment program, are also saved as a variant when the entries onthe selection screen are saved, and can be referenced via the variantname in the payment program.
    For further information on the options for user-specific enhancements tothe payment list, see the technicaldescription.

    Program RFZALI20 is an alternative to the line item display of a paymentbalance by programs RFZALI00 andRFZALI10.

1608880FBZ0 incorrect bank details assigned
1390229F110 ... Information concerning a UNICODE conversion
1583568RFZALI20: Unicode conversion for report variants
1381270RFZALI20 no data after UNICODE conversion
1370861F110 ... Incorrect payment runs in F4 help
392131RFZALI20: Incorrect region
677072RFZALI20: Japanese address screen layout incorrect
579384RFZALI20: Bank number/bank account number not displayed
640611RFZALI20: IBANs do not match the bank details
515164RFZALI20 and IBAN
521576FAQ: Use of IBAN
378321RFZALI20: Bank control key not displayed