SAP Program BAPIFELD - Proposals for English Field Names in BAPI Parameters

This report generates English default names for fields used in externalBAPI structures. Enter the required structure/table.
The default names are determined from:

  • Data elements already used in BAPI interfaces (English default field
  • names from the ABAP Dictionary)
    • Rules for field names to avoid complications with select statements

    • English short texts for the data element

    • All default names displayed in the list in upper case, are namesalready saved and MUST be used to maintain standardization (theycorrespond to the default component names of the data element).
      Print out the list of default names and discuss the field names withyour translator to ensure that meaningful names are being used.

      3.0/3.1 Compatibility
      If the functionality is to be implemented in a system with Release 3.0or 3.1, field names longer than 10 characters must not be used.

      Creating Default Field Names
      Create the selected field names in the ABAP Dictionary (transactionSE11) for the data element.
      Select the 'Definition' tab and enter the name in the input field'Default field name'.
      This ensures that when the data element is used again, the same fieldname is used.


      The report generates a list of default values for the table/structurespecified.
      The column 'field name' contains the field name from the table/structure. The column 'Default value' contains the English defaultname. If this name is in upper case, this name has already been definedfor the associated data element of the table field. If this field nameis in English, this name must be used. Otherwise you have to discuss anew name with your translator and define it as the default field nameof the data element.
      If the English proposed name is in lower case, it is a default namegenerated from the short text. In this case, you have to define theselected name as the default field name of the data element.
      If the column 'Default value' contains a '?', no other value can beused.
      The remaining columns contain information on the data element,structure, developer and short text.
      If you decide to change the name of a field, you must change it in thetable/structure as well as in the data element.