SAP Program RFZALI00 - Payment Settlement List

A follow-up report exists: Report RFZALI20.
The report offers enhanced functions and improved
display possibilities by using the ABAP List Viewer.

The payment program generates a payment dataset that can be displayedand analyzed via either the payment list or the exception list. After aproposal run has been executed, you can use the payment list as a basisfor processing the payment proposal; after an actual payment run, youcan use it to check against the payment summaries generated by thepayment medium program.
The payment list shows
- All invoices that were paid, and
- All items which did not qualify for payment.
The latter are flagged with an item indicator which gives informationon why each was blocked for payment. These item indicators can bedisplayed via the possible entries help for the appropriate selectionparameter.

The payment program must be started beforehand.

Line item list
List of due items per account number, regardless of whether the itemqualified for payment or not. In addition to the single line items,master record information as well as the total per payment document areprinted with any payment method that may have been selected. Theparameter "Payment documemts only" allows you to suppress those itemsthat did not qualify for payment.
Summary lists
Five tables are generated, showing the totals of the invoices that weresettled, sorted by:
- Business areas
- Countries
- Currencies
- Payment methods
- Banks
In each case, the output of the totals tables can be suppressed.
Summarization levels
You can select from three summarization levels:
(1) List of line items and required totals tables
(2) List of payment amounts per payment document number and required totals tables
(3) List of required totals tables
Sort Sequence
Paying company code
Accounting clerk
Subledger account number
Payment document number
Item indicator
Business area of the invoice
Invoice document number
Line item

136170Offsetting vendor - customer, proposal list