SAP Program RFYTXUPDATE_NACC - Batch program for updating external tax system

Update Program for Audit Register File - External Tax System

You use this program to update the audit file in the external taxsystem.
There are two different kinds of update:
Normal update:
Only the tax input data is sent to the external system. The tax datathat is necessary for the audit register file is derived from arecalculation in the external system.
The following conditions must be met for a "normal" update to bepossible:

  • The tax data calculated at the time the document was created must
  • correspond to the taxes stored in FI.
    • If the taxes are recalculated using the same input data, the result
    • must also be the same.
      Forced update:
      Both the tax input data and the tax results that are stored in R/3 aresent to the external system. A "forced" update is made if one of theconditions of a "normal" update is not met.

      The external tax system must have been installed, and you must havealso activated the required Customizing settings for the externalsystem.

      The system displays statistics for the selected documents, such as thenumber of documents for each type of update, and the number of errors.You also have the option of displaying a list of the selecteddocuments, with a possible error and the type of update for each. Thislist can also be displayed at a later stage using report programRFYTXDISPLAY.