SAP Program RFXPRA44 - Conversion Active-Indicator for Cost of Sales Procedure for Rel. 4.6A

Conversion of the cost of sales accounting (COS) active indicator forRelease 4.6A.

Prior to Release 4.6A, COS was activated in the SAP system by activatingthe substitution for the FI component, event 0005.
This was done in table T001Q using the field T001Q-ACTIV.
For Release 4.6A, COS has been converted:
Since, with effect from Release 4.6A, it is no longer necessary to usethe substitution for COS, COS is now activated independently of thesubstitution in table T001 using field T001-XCOS.
This report determines all the company codes in table T001Q for whichthe substitution is active for COS, and activates COS for all thesecompany codes, meaning that field T001-XCOS is set to "2" for all thesecompany codes.
For more information, see the correspondingRelease information.