SAP Program RFXPRA42 - Fill Table BSIX with Reference Number XBLNR

You use this program to enter the value SPACE ("BLANK") or thecorresponding value stored in table BKPF (document header) in the XBLNRfield (reference number) in table BSIX. The field is new in Release4.5A. This enables presented bills of exchange to be processedcorrectly using transaction FBW4 after upgrading from a Release before4.5A to a Release after 4.5A.
Transaction FBW4 (bill of exchange liability maintenance) was enhancedby the additional selection option of the reference number. Withoutconverting field XBLNR in table BSIX from the value "ZERO" to the value"BLANK" or the value stored in BKPF-XBLNR, the bills of exchange couldnot be selected for further processing using transaction FBW4.