SAP Program RFXPRA39 - Include GSBER Field in TF123 if Entries Already Exist

As of Release 4.0 the business area (GSBER) and trading partner number(VBUND) fields shall no longer apply as fixed system criteria withautomatic clearing. Program RFXPRA39 defines the business area in tableTF123 as user criterion (for security) so that grouping by businessarea is still guaranteed. If there is enough space in table TF123 thetrading partner number is also included as user criterion. For moredetails on the enhancement of functionality for automatic clearing,refer to the Release notes. Before executing an update run of the newclearing program SAPF124, it is essential that you check the groupingcriteria in table TF123 using transaction OB74 and possibly adjust yourrequirements accordingly, due to the enhanced functionality of 4.0.