SAP Program RFXPRA38 - Manual bank statement/check deposit: New operator field

Table T028H is where you assign transactions for the manual bankstatement and check deposit to posting rules. As a transactionrepresents either a cash inflow or a cash outflow, there is a directrelationship between the transaction and the sign in front of theamount. You can represent this relationship by entering the sign intable T028H (and the accompanying text table, T028I) and check it whenyou enter the bank statement/check deposit.
Program XPRA fills the fields for the sign, T028H-VOZPM or T028I-VOZPM,with "+" and "-" (two entries). Only one entry ("+") generated for thecheck deposit.
The system logic is the same as before the table enhancement. To usethe enhancement, you must first delete the entry not applying to youfrom table T028H (go to the Cash Management implementation guide andchoose Busines volume -> Specifications for manual bank statement ->Allocate business transactions.