SAP Program RFXPRA24 - Copy Deb./Cred.Posting Key for Transaction BUV from T030B to T001U

Program RFXPRA24 fills the fields T001U-BSCHS or T001U-BSCHH withthe contents of the fields T030B-BSCHS or T030B-BSCHH for transactionkey BUV. The entries from table T030B for transaction key BUV are thendeleted.
If there is no entry in table T030B for transaction key BUV in anyclient (which might happen if, say, you reset the program), the systementers "40" for T001U-BSCHS and "50" for T001U-BSCHH for all theentries in table T001U relating to this client.

Actions in the event of a program termination.
In the event of a program termination, rerun program RFXPRA24.