SAP Program RFWTINT10 - General Report for Extended Withholding Tax

Generic Withholding Tax Reporting for Extended Withholding Tax

The program for generic withholding tax reporting is used for creatingthe reports required by law for the extended withholding tax functions.
The program handles all vendor business trnasactions in whichwithholding tax plays a role, including partial and down payments, andwithholding tax on invoices.
The data is displayed in lists that can be configured.

The generic withholding tax reporting program enables you to definecountry-specific reporting versions in Customizing for reportingextended withholding tax. A reporting version

  • determines which data is selected

  • allows additional free selection parameters to be entered

  • creates a connection between the selected data and the documents for
  • reporting (see below)
    • defines (usually several) hierarchies of criteria by which the data is
    • to be grouped and summarized in the list display. The data fieldsdisplayed in the list can be configured online.
      You can choose in what context the withholding tax data is to bedisplayed:
      Withholding tax information is displayed per invoice or credit memoitem, or per down payment not yet cleared
      Withholding tax information is displayed per clearing payment, or perdown payment and partial payment. This should only be used forwithholding tax on payment.
      Several standard reporting versions are contained in the standard SAPsystem. You can also create additional versions. For more information,see Make Settings for Generic WithholdingTax Reporting.

      The selection parameters used are usually dependent on the documentsfor reporting. The following selection parameters can be used for theabove two methods of displaying withholding tax information:

      • Company code

      • Vendor account

      • Fiscal year

      • Reporting period (required entry)

      • Withholding tax type

      • Withholding tax code

      • Items without payment? (only for method 1)

      • Alternative local currency (*)

      • Translation date (*)

      • (*): The reporting data is available in both local and documentcurrency, although usually only the local currency is used inreporting. In cases where the prescribed reporting currency isdifferent from the local currency of the company code (for example, thelocal currency of the company code is euro, but the tax authoritiesspecify that the tax return is to be made in the old currency of thecountry), the reporting currency and the translation date can beentered in the report.
        You can enter additional free selection parameters in Customizing. Formore information, see Make Settings forGeneric Withholding Tax Reporting.

        Use Customizing to create country-specific reporting versions.
        Proceed (Enter "VC_QSTREXT" in the view cluster field)
        For more information, see Make Settingsfor Generic Withholding Tax Reporting.