SAP Program RFWTCT10 - Withholding Tax Certificates

Program RFWTCT10 generates a list of the withholding tax certificatesfor those vendors on behalf of which withholding tax is deducted. It isdesigned for use in Argentina (being derived from the program J_1AF0135for withholding tax in Argentina).

The program creates certificates for those internal payment documentsthat are marked as payment transactions. To prevent unwanted documentssuch as down payment clearings from being selected, you must ensurethat the indicator "Payment transaction" is not selected for theposting keys allocated to down payment clearing. The posting keys fordown payment transactions are stored in a separate table, T030B(standard posting keys) under the transaction keys "AUD" (Down paymenttransfer posting customer) and "AUK" (down payment transfer postingvendor).
The necessary settings in Customizing (IMG) are as follows:
Choose Financial Accounting -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable-> Business Transactions -> Down Payments Received -> Define accountfor tax clearing. Under the transaction keys "AUD" and "AUK" define theappropriate posting keys (redefining them where necessary) for whichthe indicator "payment transaction" is not selected. .