SAP Program RFWT0020 - Recreate and Change Withholding Tax Data with Witholding TaxRate of 0%

Program for Subsequently Creating and Making Changes to Withholding TaxData with Withholding Tax Rate 0%

Program for Subsequent Creation of and Changes to Withholding Tax Datawith Withholding Tax Rate 0%

Documents were posted without withholding tax in the fiscal year. Also,payments were posted without withholding tax. It only becomes apparentduring the course of the fiscal year that a vendor is liable to pay wi
thholding tax or that a customer is eligible for withholding taxdeduction with a withholding tax rate of 0 %.
This program allows you to create withholding tax data subsequently forreconciled and open items in cases where vendors or customers becomeliable for withholding tax with a tax rate of 0 %, The subsequentlycreated withholding tax data contains withholding tax basis amounts thatcan be used in Reporting. The tables affected here are BSEG, BSAK, BSIK,BSAD, BSID, WITH_ITEM.
The auxiliary program makes it possible to convert both classic andextended withholding tax data. However, with classic withholding tax,only vendor data can be converted.
In addition, the program enables the withholding tax code to be changedfor reconciled and open items with existing withholding tax data. Forthis, the tax rate of the existing withholding tax data as well as thetax rate of the new withholding tax code must be 0%. The new withholdingtax codes are taken from the customer or vendor master data. In the caseof extended withholding tax, the withholding tax code is only changed ifthe related withholding tax categories are the same. The withholdingtax base amount is not changed by this procedure.
Recreating or changing the withholding tax data requires that theprogram first be executed for invoices and then executed for payments ina subsequent step.

- The company code selected is relevant for withholding tax,
- The vendor selected is liable for withholding tax for a withholdingtax category with a withholding tax rate of 0 %, or the customer iseligible for withholding tax deduction (in each case, only onewithholding tax category is defined in the corresponding masterrecords).
- Accumulation, central invoice, certification and formulas are notactivated at the withholding tax type level (extended withholding tax),
- The corresponding withholding tax types are relevant for postingpayments.


When you start the program, the selection screen appears. You can makeselections according to vendors, tax code 1, tax code 2 (vendor masterrecord), customers, tax code 1, tax code 2 (customer master record),company codes, document numbers and posting data. The selectiondetermines which items are checked for possible subsequent entries intables BSEG, BSAK, BSIK, BSAD, BSID, WITH_ITEM.
You can also decide whether only withholding tax data is to be handledfor cases where the documents in question contain no withholding taxdata. There is no withholding tax data if no withholding tax entriesexist for the item selected in table WITH_ITEM (extended withholdingtax) or the die withholding tax fields in table BSEG are not filled.
The selection can also be made in test mode. If you do this, no changesare made in the database. You are therefore advised to run the programin test mode initially.

When the selections have been made, four output lists are displayed. Thefirst list contains all extended withholding tax documents that havebeen entered subsequently in WITH_ITEM. In the corresponding tables BSEGand BSIK, BSID, BSAD / BSAK, #XX# is entered as the withholding taxcode.
The second list contains all documents that are converted for thepurposes of classic withholding tax. These documents are updated intables BSEG and BSIK, BSID, BSAD / BSAK.
A list is also kept of all blocked company codes. Data from thesecompany codes cannot be edited.
A final list outputs the documents locked by a payment run. Newwithholding tax entries cannot be made in these documents.
If the #Test Mode# flag has not been set in the selection screen, thecorrected documents are transferred to the database prior to list output

If vendors are liable for withholding tax categories with a tax rate of0 %, or customers are eligible for reduction, and no correspondingwithholding tax data has yet been defined in the master record when thecorresponding documents are posted, the program adds the selected openand reconciled items to tables WITH_ITEM, BSEG, BSAK, BSAD, BSID /BSIK.. The corresponding withholding tax types must be relevant forposting payments.

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