SAP Program RFWT0010 - Adjustment of Withholding Tax Information to Relevant Types

Adjustment to Withholding Tax Information after Change to Master Dataor Change to Withholding Tax Information for the Company Code

Extended withholding tax is active in your company code (fieldT001-WT_NEWWT is set) and you have open vendor or customer items inyour system.
The "relevant withholding tax types" change, for example, as a resultof legal changes. A withholding tax type is relevant if the followingconditions apply:
- The withholding tax type is entered in the master record of thebusiness partner and indicated as subject to withholding tax (vendor)or authorized to deduct tax (customer).
- The company code is indicated as authorized to deduct tax for vendorsor as subject to withholding tax for customers for this withholding taxtype (withholding tax data for company code: View V_T001WT)
- The posting date is in the validity period for the deductionauthorization (customer master record or withholding tax data forcompany code).
If the relevant withholding tax types with posting on payment aredifferent on the invoice posting date and the payment posting date,this leads to the following problem when activating open items:
For a manual payment, the open item cannot be activated. Message F5 787(item(s) not activated due to inconsistent withholding taxinformation).
For automatic payments, message 7Q 328 is issued (withholding taxinformation of the item is not consistent with master record/companycode).
The message appears because the entries contained in table WITH_ITEM donot correspond to the relevant withholding tax types for the postingdate (of the payment).
If the relevant withholding tax types with posting at the time of theinvoice are different on the parking date and the posting date of theparked document, this leads to the following problem when posting theparked document:
No data exists for screen SAPLFWTD 100 or the subsequent screen. Amessage appears stating that no entry exists in table T059Z, or anincorrect withholding tax code has been used when posting the parkeddocument.
This report adjusts open and cleared items that already exist in thesystem to the change to the relevant withholding tax types so that thethe items can then be activated.
An adjustment can only be made for withholding tax types with paymenton invoice for parked docuemnts, since the invoice entry transactionfor open item has already been completed.
The update run for this report should, if possible, be started when nopostings are being made. Make sure that for the company code for whichthe changes are to be made, no documents are changed or posted.Otherwise, the report may not be able to process all documents (andwould have to be started again).

After document entry, you have changed withholding tax information inthe master record or you have changed withholding tax information forthe company code.
Start the update run when no postings are being made.


If you have made changes to the withholding tax information of thevendor or customer master records, for the "Account selection", selectthe vendors or customers that have been changed, and restrict yourselection to the revevant company code.
If you have made changes in the withholding tax data for the companycode, in the account selection, select the company code that waschanged.
Restrict the selection to vendors or customers if possible.
Under "Document adjustment", make the following settings:
First start the report in test mode to check the proposed changes.
You can then start an update run (do not select "Test run").
The relevant withholding tax information can be determined according tothe current date (default value), or you can select another date (foran adjustment for an alternative posting date).
Choose "Add new withholding tax types" if you have increased the numberof relevant withholding tax types (for example, by adding newwithholding tax types in the master record of the business partner,where the entry is indicated as "subject to" or "authorized todeduct").
New withholding tax information is then created for the open and parkeditems.
For the new withholding tax information, you can copy the withholdingtax code from the master record, or not enter a withholding tax code atall.
If the withholding tax code is taken from the master record, (if thereis an entry in the master record), for later payments (or for parkeddocuments, potentially also when the invoice is posted), withholdingtax is calculated.
If no withholding tax code is entered, no withholding tax is posted forsubsequent payments for this withholding tax type.
Select "Delete w/tax no longer relevant" if you have reduced the numberof relevant withholding tax types (for example, if you delete an entrypreviously marked as "subject to" or "authorized to deduct" in themaster record of a business partner). In the existing information forthe open items, the withholding tax code is deleted and correspondingwithholding tax information from parked documents is completely deletedfrom the database.

Firstly, the output specifies whether the run was a test run or anupdate run. In a test run, the data displayed is not updated. The testrun can be carried out as often as required.
Secondly, all new withholding tax information added is displayed (newentries in table WITH_ITEM).
The second block contains the changed withholding tax information.Here, the withholding tax codes for the withholding tax information(table WITH_ITEM) were deleted.
The third block contains the deleted withholding tax information. Here,the entire withholding tax information (table WITH_ITEM) was deleted.This only happens with parked documents.
The fourth block contains accounts blocked by the payment proposalwhere applicable. These accounts cannot be processed. The payment runmust be carried out in update mode or the proposal run must be deleted.
In the last block, the company codes for which no processing can becarried out as a result of block entries are listed. Do not carry outany further processing to any documents for these company codes.

The report processes all open vendor and customer items.
The following documents are based on a payment-relevant transaction,meaning that withholding tax postings for payments were relevant inthese transactions:
- Down payment clearing
- Manual partial payments
- Automatic partial payments
- Down payments
If withholding tax codes that are no longer relevant are deleted, thisdoes not apply to these documents.
If new withholding tax types are added, as default, no withholding taxcode is added. Adding withholding tax codes and withholding tax baseamounts can be useful if the principle of the central invoice is usedin the withholding tax type (withholding tax base amounts areconsidered). For down payments and partial payments you can do this viathe indicator "Down Payments and Partial Payments with Withholding TaxCodes".
All other open items and parked items are also processed by thisreport. Residual items are adjusted to the changed relevant withholdingtax types, since no withholding tax has been posted yet for the openitems. Payments on account are adjusted to the changed relevantwithholding tax types since the SAP System does not post withholdingtax for payments on account (for new relevant withholding tax types,withholding tax information is added withhout the withholding taxcode).

1382543FAQ: Withholding tax
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460451Message 7Q328 in the pymt program or F5787 despite RFWT0010
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380944Reference to report RFWT0010 with master data change